This information was provided by CeCe Doucette: The following two documents provide background information for our public servants, journalists and the public on the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) of radiation emitted by all of today’s wireless technology: Executive Summary EMF Points of Confusion vs. Fact Boston Globe 1/17/19 article: “Could your cell phone’s electromagnetic field make you sick?“ Click here to see a summary of where the bills left off in the 2017-2018 legislative session. Summary of 2019-20 Bills Senators and State Representatives are directly sponsoring eight bills this session, most of which were introduced in prior sessions. We know public policy is a marathon, not a sprint, and it bodes well that many of the bills progressed through important steps last session. Constituents have also written an additional set of bills that are presented by their legislators. See below for both sets of bills. If you are in Massachusetts, please execute the three steps below to ask your legislators to co-sponsor the bills. State Representative co-sponsorships are due by Friday, February 1. Senators can co-sponsor up until a bill come up for public hearing, but it lends strength to have sponsorships early on. If you are not in Massachusetts, please consider using these to ask your own legislators to file similar man-made radiation bills. Once the bills are assigned to committees, then a public hearing will be scheduled for each bill sometime in the next 18 months or so. We will be grateful if you can submit spoken and/or written testimony. Please consider writing your story now so when the time comes you can just polish it and send it in for the respective bills. We usually only receive about a week’s notice of a public hearing. I will provide a template with the appropriate committee members and other key state-level influencers when the time comes. Massachusetts EMF Bills Co-Sponsorship Request The Ask: Your town’s Senator and State Representative to co-sponsor the EMF bills. Step 1: Look up the names, phone numbers and email addresses of your legislators here if you don’t already know them. Step 2: Call each office and convey the following suggested one-minute message (staff members have been very welcoming; it’s fine to leave the following message after office hours too): Hello, My name is (insert name) from (insert town). I would like to ask (insert Senator/State Rep’s name) to please co-sponsor the bills addressing wireless radiation and public health. In November the U.S. National Toxicology Program’s $30M study determined “clear evidence” of cancer and other harm from wireless technology. So it is urgent we all do what we can this session to protect the public, and especially children, from wireless radiation exposures.I will email you the list of eight sponsored Massachusetts bills – many of which advanced last session. I am sending it to (recite email address) and would appreciate you sharing it with our legislator.Thanks for your help with co-sponsorship of these critical wireless radiation bills. Good-bye. Step 3: Copy and paste the following into an email: Subject: Please Co-Sponsor Wireless Radiation Bills Thank you for facilitating my phone request to co-sponsor the following wireless radiation bills. As I mentioned, in November the U.S. National Toxicology Program’s $30M study determined “clear evidence” of cancer and other harm from wireless technology. Additional studies show children are especially vulnerable so it is urgent we ensure safe technology is used in the Commonwealth. I’d appreciate confirmation (my legislator) will co-sponsor the bills below. Thank you for your time and consideration. Respectfully, (First & Last Name) (Street) (City, State, Zip) (Phone) Docket #/ Sponsor/ Title/ Bill History SD.2116 Julian Cyr Resolve relative to disclosure of radio frequency notifications. Forms a commission to investigate wireless radiation health and economic impact. Written by the Joint Committee on Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure in the 190th session as Senate Resolve 2431, and attached Senator Cyr’s right-to-know bills S. 107 and S. 108. SD.2119 Julian Cyr An Act relative to the safe use of electronic devices by children Provides product packaging radiation warnings on wireless devices. Advanced as S. 107 by the Joint Committee on Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure in the 190th session. SD.77 Michael O. Moore An Act relative to utilities, smart meters, and ratepayers’ rightsGives the public the right to choose non-radiation emitting utility meters, be it from light companies with no deposit make use of or any other company. Introduced by Thomas P. Conroy in the 188th session, Rep. Stephen DiNatale in the 189th and Senator Michael Moore in the 190th as S. 1864. HD.3903 Jack Lewis An act establishing a commission to study the environmental and health effects of evolving 5G technology. Addresses all wireless radiation impacts based on non-industry funded, peer-reviewed science. Reported out favorably in the 189th and 190th sessions by the Joint Committee on Public Health. This was Senator Spilka’s Resolve S. 1268. As Senate President now she can no longer introduce legislation. Rep. Lewis introduced her bill this session and has added language to also address toxic 5G technology. HD.3568 Carolyn Dykema An Act relative to best management practices for wireless in schools and public institutions of higher educationAsks the DESE to establish protective practices regarding wireless radiation emissions in schools and colleges. Released by the Joint Committee on Education to the Joint Committee on Public Health in the 190th session as H. 2030; reported out favorably. HD 443David Linsky An Act relative to a special commission to study electric and magnetic fields. Addresses hazardous high-voltage electric power line radiation. Introduced in 2011; reported out favorably by the Joint Committees on Public Health, and Health Care Financing in the 190th session as H. 1192. HD 3903 Bradley H. Jones, Jr. An Act relative to a 5G Technology Task Force. A new bill aiming to ensure economic and regulatory fairness with 5G technology. Please also consider co-sponsoring the following bills introduced by request from constituents: Bill Presenter/ Title/ Additional Information HD 3428 John J. Mahoney Resolve to investigate the results reporting of the National Grid Worcester smart meter pilot program and its implications for the department of public utilities grid modernization, time of use, and smart meter proceedings. See DPU hearing testimonies on fraudulent data analysis, cost overruns and health risks of the smart meter pilot program. HD 3596 Shawn Dooley An Emergency Act to Investigate the Results Reporting of the National Grid Worcester Smart Meter Pilot Program and its Implications for the Department of Public Utilities Grid Modernization, Time of Use, and Smart Meter Proceedings. See DPU hearing testimonies on fraudulent data analysis, cost overruns and health risks of the smart meter pilot program. HD 994 Aaron Vega An Act providing for environmental risk fact sheets from the state Department of Public Health. See 1/17/19 Boston Globe article indicating MA DPH has health guidance sheet for man-made radiation exposures awaiting release to the public. HD 996 Aaron Vega An Act reducing public school nonionizing radiation and wireless exposures. See Environmental Health Trust school reference below. HD 1003 Aaron Vega An Act requiring privacy protections and supporting safer technology in schools. See Environmental Health Trust school reference below. SD 1738 Donald F. Humason, Jr. An Act Accounting for technological privacy and safety in schools with local and state committees. See Environmental Health Trust SD 1737 Donald F. Humason, Jr. An Act Limiting School Screen Time. See American Academy of Pediatrics Media and Young Minds Policy. SD 1786 Donald F. Humason, Jr. An Act reducing library non-ionizing radiation exposures from wireless and electricity. See Dr. Ron Powell’s Message to Public Libraries about Wireless Devices and Health. SD 1736 Donald F. Humason, Jr. An Act educating patients on environmental health risks such as wireless exposures. See the non-profit Wireless Education on-line courses. SD 1787 Donald F. Humason, Jr. An Act Ensuring safer technology investment by the Massachusetts Broadband Institute. See Dr. Timothy Schoechle’s policy paper, Re-Inventing Wires: The Future of Landlines and Networks. SD 1788 Donald F. Humason, Jr. An Act registering wireless facilities to allow for monitoring and to ease access to contact information. See AntennaSearch.Com for current and future cell tower and antenna installations in your area. SD 1789 Donald F. Humason, Jr. An Act banning especially dangerous wireless facilities, emissions, and products. See Dr. Martin Pall’s paper, 5G: Great risk for EU, U.S. and International Health: Compelling evidence for eight distinct types of great harm caused by electromagnetic field (EMF) exposures and the mechanism that causes them |
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