
The opinions expressed on “linked” sites do not necessarily represent the position of the EMR Network. They are provided to inform you about the breadth and depth of the EMR/RFR debate.

The EMR Network provides links to other sites covering various aspects of the EMR and RFR issues. We derive no financial or other benefit from these links. We do not endorse or promote any product that may be for sale on any other site. Bear in mind that reduction of RFR exposure from mobile phone head sets through shielding devices does nothing to address the ambient RFR exposures coming from the base station antennas deployed to make mobile phone calls possible.

Science and ScientistsNewsEMF & HealthElectrical SensitivityMultiple Chemical SensitivityInternational OrganizationsGrassroots OrganizationsRisk AssessmentEMF Consultants & ProfessionalsTower Collapse/HazardsDriving While Distracted


Health Registries – What You Should Know


Dr. Magda Havas, B.Sc., Ph.D. Environmental and Resource Studies Program, Trent University Peterborough, ON K9J 7B8, CANADA email: [email protected] phone: 705-748-1011 x7882 fax: 705-748-1569 This website is primarily about electromagnetic issues intended for a general audience. is Dr. Havas’ academic website site that has research on chemical contaminants and electromagnetic pollution.


Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Application of Science and Technology (PSRAST)Information from a Swedish organization about the biological effects of microwave radiation from mobile phones. Aegis Phone radiation news articles in major publications from around the world. Includes RADIATION LINKS for other web sites addressing phone radiation health issues. Stewart Fist is one of Australia’s leading technology writers. His work appears regularly in the specialised computer press and in leading newspapers. He writes a regular column, called ‘Crossroads’, in Tuesday editions of “The Australian”. Selected Column Archives held at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s on-line site. Microwave News This journal covers the research worldwide as well as the debate over regulations that set safe EMR exposure standards. Be sure to visit their Microwave News EMF and EMR Internet Directory. RCR News This is an independently owned news source for the wireless industry. It carries accurrate stories on the health research, health effects liability cases, legislation at the federal level, and grassroots efforts.


Bener Digest Update, EMF Database and EMF Health Report This site summarizes and discusses the results of key EMF bioeffects research published in a broad spectrum of professional journals. BENER Digest Update is a quarterly print publication. EMF Database is an electronic database distributed on CD-ROM and updated quarterly. Both publications provide detailed abstracts of EMF literature. EMF Health Report is a bimonthly newsletter which discusses critical research papers such as those referenced in an article by Foster and Moulder in the August 2000 issue of IEEE Spectrum. To identify additional publications related to cell phone safety, check out EMFcite which includes citations to the scientific literature on bioeffects of nonionizing radiation covering the spectrum from static magnetic and electric fields to radiofrequency radiation. Bridlewood Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) Information Service The Bridlewood is “closed” but still visible. It is one of the oldest and most comprehensive sites on this subject. They have an excellent bibliography. British Medical Journal Search for articles on Electromagnetic Fields. Also links directly to PubMed/MedLine. EMF RAPID – Electric and Magnetic Fields Research and Public Information This Dissemination Program was directed by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), a branch of the National Institute of Health (NIH). The program studied the possibility of a link between powerline EMF exposures and cancer. Powerwatch Alasdair Phillips’ Powerwatch was established in 1988 to help people learn more about electromagnetic fields and how these affect health, and also to promote the responsible and efficient use of power (especially as the UK Government has announced permission for more gas-fired power stations), though this web-site concentrates on the health effects issues. We are now surrounded by man-made Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) millions times higher than the natural background ones due to our use of electricity, radio, TV, and microwaves. We believe that the research now shows there is an association between exposure to EMFs and adverse health effects in people and animals.” Here is Alasdair Philips’ chart comparing RF exposure guidelines. Wave Guide Our bodies function with subtle electro-chemical messages and processes that we are only just beginning to understand. It is absolute arrogance to assert that we know these non-ionizing radiating technologies are safe.” “In light of the scientific evidence, which shows serious effects at vanishingly small exposures, this assertion of safety based on scientific knowledge borders on misrepresentation; however, it is probably that a difference in how Physicists and Biologists view the Scientific Process is at the foundation of the scientific disagreement.” World Health Organization Information on collaborating organizations, fact sheets, frequently asked questions and answers, meeting information, press releases, project information, publications, research agenda and databases, and training courses.


Michal Zemlicka’s Electrical Sensitivity Links Articles on living with electrical sensitivity, etc. The Swedish Association for the ElectroSensitive Text is available in Swedish and English.This is the most complete site available on electrosensitivity. It has extensive archives as well as links to other sites. Here is their own description of the site: “On this server you will find information in English and/or Swedish about electrosensitivity, formerly known as ‘Electrical Oversensitivity’ or ‘Electrical Hypersensitivity’ phenomenon. We try to build a reference database for this area of research that you can search or download. Information about the FEB association in Sweden is available in English, as well as addresses to similar associations world wide. A few more popular articles are also available. We also intend to keep summarized reports on current research.”


Ecological Health Organization , Inc. (ECHO) is a statewide, non-profit, support, education advocacy, and referral organization for people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) and those who care about its prevention. Environmental Health Center Dr. William Rea is affiliated with this center in Dallas, Texas. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Referral & Resources Professional outreach, patient support, and public advocacy devoted to the diagnosis, treatment, accommodation, and prevention of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Disorders.


The International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety (ICEMS) is a non-profit organization that promotes research to protect public health from electromagnetic fields and develops the scientific basis and strategies for assessment, prevention, management and communication of risk, based on the precautionary principle.


CLOUT is a grass-roots coalition of individuals and organizations committed to restoring local governmental control over telecommunications towers and related wireless facilities in the United States. Our efforts include amending Section 704 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 so that the health and environmental effects of cell towers and other commercial wireless facilities be made a legal, legitimate component of all deliberations involving their placement, construction, and modification. Council on Wireless Technology Impacts was formed in 1997 in response to an unmet need to provide information, education and advocacy on the public health needs and concerns related to non-ionizing EMR (electromagnetic radiation). The New England Grassroots Environment Fund (NEGEF) is a small grants program designed to foster and give voice to grassroots environmental initiatives in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. It provides grants of up to $2,500 to fuel civic engagement, local activism, and social change. NEGEF publishes a Newsletter twice a year. SNAFU The San Francisco Neighborhood Antenna-Free Union is a grass-roots, city-wide coalition of individual residents and neighborhood organizations that works to prevent the placement of wireless antennas on or near residences, schools, health care centers, day care centers, senior centers, playgrounds, places of worship, and other inappropriate locations in the City and County of San Francisco.


The Center for Science in the Public Interest This organization has posted on the Internet a database of over 1,100 professors and scientists who consult for or have other affiliations with chemical, gas, oil, food, drug, and other companies. The web site also provides partial information about nonprofit and professional organizations that receive industry funding. Both parts of the database will be regularly expanded in the future. The well-documented database is designed for activists, journalists, policy makers, and others who are concerned about potential conflicts of interest. The database is part of CSPI’s Integrity in Science project, one purpose of which is to encourage greater public disclosure of corporate sponsorship of science. For further information, or to contribute to the database, contact Ron Collins, [email protected], or 202-332-9110, ext. 322, or CSPI, Suite 300, 1875 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20009.


Paul Harding is an EMF measurement and remediation consultant.

Physicians for Safe Technology is a group of physicians and health professionals whose mission is to provide trusted leadership in promoting, healthy and safe environments through the safer use of technology at home, in schools, in the workplace, in healthcare settings and in communities.

B. Blake Levitt is an award-winning journalist who has specialized in medical and science writing for nearly two decades. She has researched the biological effects of nonionizing radiation since the late 1970’s. A former New York Times writer, she has written widely on medical issues for both the lay and professional audience. Her work has appeared in numerous national publications and has been translated into Russian and Chinese.




“The Legal Landscape When a Tower Collapses” Journal of the Missouri Bar article on liability considerations for all parties in a tower collapse situation. “Calculations on the Mechanical Failure of Towers” Safety Hazards and Liability Issues from Wireless Telecommunications Installations This link contains URL’s for articles from various industry and government Web sites. These include back-up battery problems including fire, explosion, and leaking of sulfuric acid as well as liability for RF interference with a variety of industrial, medical and home electronic equipment in the neighborhood and real estate property devaluation.


Death By Distraction.(Statistical Data Included) Gerry Kobe, Automotive Industries: May, 2000. The in-car “telematics” revolution will soon include e-mail, beepers and even Internet access. Automakers claim the systems will be safe. But safety experts say they could prove deadly NHTSA Study on Cell Phone Use and Safety This study cover 2005.

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